Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spilt Milk

From Mark Steyn (SteynOnline The Europeanization of American, March 31, 2009):
Most Americans don’t yet grasp the scale of the Obama project. The naysayers complain, oh, it’s another Jimmy Carter, or it’s the new New Deal, or it’s LBJ’s Great Society applied to health care… You should be so lucky. Forget these parochial nickel’n’dime comparisons. It’s all those multiplied a gazillionfold and nuclearized – or Europeanized, which is less dramatic but ultimately more lethal.

The Obama Administration and this Congress will make LBJ, Carter and FBR seem like Barry Goldwater in comparison. We should be so lucky to only have it as bad as those three.

Even if conservatives are able to galvanize and retake the Congress in 2010, the money will be spent and the damage will be done.  It will take decades to recover.

I predict that there will be more suicides (Breitbart) in America's business future:  A killing field.