Thursday, July 2, 2009

As Designed

From William A. Jacobson (Legal Insurrection, Hands Off Honduras, July 1, 2009):
The Obama administration's actions towards Honduras continues to defy logic. On the one hand, Obama states that he is for the rule of law. Yet Obama meddles in the worst possible way in Hondurans' attempt to protect their country from a Chavez-style tyranny. Read Fausta's Blog for a full round-up of what Honduras was facing from this deposed dictator-in-the-making.

(Emphasis mine.)

It doesn't defy logic. It might defy morality, but Obama is a fascist with the intention of supporting anyone who shares his philosophy. His actions are perfectly consistent with that. The only people surprised by his actions regarding Honduras (and Iran) might be those who were duped by his slick presentation.
While Obama improves relations with Venezuela, Obama has cut military ties to Honduras, is considering a cut-off of all aid, is doing nothing to stop loan suspensions by international organizations over which the U.S. has substantial influence, and is supporting international efforts to isolate Honduras.

The above is what Obama (and the world) should have done to Iran, but no surprises there either.

If people continue to believe that Obama is interested in anything other than a revision of history to make the bad guys good and doing anything and everything to undermine our country as it was Founded, they'll continue to be shocked at his actions.  Obama articulated his world view (and his voting record confirmed it). The people who voted for him were either in support of his fascist plans, or they were too busy/lazy to do any work to vet him.

H/t Instapundit.