Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Legacies that Matter

In a column by John McCormack (Weekly Standard, Thank You, America, July 13, 2009), we find an article by Jabr Al Jabouri, Al-Bayyna Al-Jadida [Baghdad], translated into English.

I'm not usually prone to spoilers, but Mr. Al Jabourbi's article ends with:
After six years of liberation, we now know who our friend is and who our foe is. We should not give a chance to those idiots who claim that Iraq is part of the Arab Nation. These idiots should understand that Iraq is part the federal, free and democratic world.

It would be daft to suggest that I agreed with everything President Bush did during his eight years in office, but I never doubted his incredible wisdom, nor wavered in my support, with respect to the "Bush Doctrine," especially when it applied to Iraq.

What happens in Iraq now will be up to the Iraqis themselves, but no one, and certainly not historians, will ever doubt that Iraqis were part of the free and democratic world.

In keeping with this blog's theme that there is nothing new under the sun, the situation in Iraq today reminds me of the interchange between Benjamin Franklin and Mrs. Powel at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention in 1787:

Mrs. Powel:
"Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"

Benjamin Franklin:
"A republic, if you can keep it."

What the future holds for Iraq is uncertain, but what they have today is a freedom. The future doesn't diminish the significance of the past, nor the noble and courageous actions of President Bush and the military who gave Iraqis a chance to keep it.