Monday, June 22, 2009


Also from Rasmussen Reports™ (Americans Evenly Divided Over Urgency of Health Care Reform, June 19, 2009):
Despite the president's stepped-up efforts to promote his health care reform agenda with the public, these numbers have changed little from the beginning of the month when 46% favored moving ahead while 45% said wait until the economy improves. In early March, 49% said health care reform should wait for a better economy, but 42% wanted to go ahead.

Rasmussen goes on to report on the differences by political ideology, age, and gender (with women, once again, supporting something asinine out of selfish desires or stupidity).

Health care "reform" (code phrase for socialized medicine) is the greatest threat to our economic freedom.

Unfortunately, it is highly possible, that despite public sentiments, this Congress/Administration will do whatever they damn well please. They've ignored the Constitution and the rule of law so this would be business as usual.

Just say "no." And as Bill Whittle recently said in a PJTV video, say "no" loudly and often.