Monday, June 8, 2009


Reading the news this morning it became impossible to pick a subject to blog about. I read the news and had that familiar feeling of turning to Jell-o. Actually, more like how a piece of soggy peach might feel when it is completely surrounded by sickly-sweet, artificially flavored gelatin. It can't move, is a shadow of its former fresh self, and it is stuck in a kind of purgatory for fruit. The peach's only hope is that someone will eat the Jell-o, freeing it for a moment before it is chewed and swallowed, but no one in their right mind eats Jell-o with canned fruit in it.

The news is simply overwhelming:

  • Unconstitutional takeover/nationalization of GM and its progress into oblivion

  • Bank bailouts

  • Reports that axed Chrysler dealerships may have been chosen for their political leanings

  • Cap and trade proposals which can't do anything except cap economic growth and completely eliminate free trade, based on a fantastic belief that man in his infinitesimal insignificance is actually altering the weather

  • New targeted "sin" taxes on everything the Left thinks we shouldn't do

  • A public that doesn't think its taxes are being raised while they're being raised, and a Congress that thinks that raising tax rates will actually result in raising tax revenue, despite decades of evidence to the contrary

  • The progress of North Korea's nuclear bomb development

  • The continued suggestion that we can actually close Guantanamo

  • The never-seen-a-progressive-program-they-can't-fund Congress

  • Skyrocketing deficits and unemployment rates

  • The fait accompli of Obama's Cairo speech

And that's just the short list.

Where does a soggy peach encased in gelatin begin?

My sense is that the right side of the blogosphere has been in a state of suspended animation since Obama's election. Obama and Congress have pursued programs and policies that are so daft (and are so sure to end disastrously) that people on the right simply stare, open mouthed, aghast in horror.

Reading the news becomes surreal. It's a government with art direction by Tim Burton, a script written by Irwin Winkler, and direction by Salvador Dali. And it appears to be a blockbuster.  It should be a blockbuster of a movie, but it isn't a movie.  This stuff is really happening!

The right of the opinion bloggers will find their voices again, but it may be a while before they can formulate an argument besides the obvious, "You're not serious, right?" or "What part of this do you think could possibly work, with all evidence that it will fail miserably?" The schemes by Obama and Congress are as obviously flawed and dangerous as to be akin to a raging fire, and the Democrats approach it with a kind of insane disregard or ignorance of the fire, "What fire?"

It does get a bit overwhelming at times. There are far too many raging fires, and none too few smaller ones, and it becomes difficult to choose which one to attack with a disjointed and overworked line of water pail gatherers. It becomes necessary to simply over-generalize: It's ALL bad. Every single thing that Obama and this Congress are doing is the exact opposite of what is reasonable, constitutional, and sane. Everything they have touched and everything they do is wrong.

That, I suspect, is the strategy. You can't foment an effective resistance when there are far too many battles to wage. We're simply outflanked by lunatics who have no hesitation to commit arson against our nation, just so they can remain in power.