Monday, June 1, 2009

Still No

From AP (Breitbart, Schumer: Sotomayor is 'filisbuster-proof', June 1, 2009):
WASHINGTON (AP) - A leading Democratic senator says that President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee is "filibuster-proof" when his colleagues look at her record.

Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York said Sunday that Sonia Sotomayor's nomination is heading toward confirmation. He says she has a compelling history and a moderate record.

Of course she's filibuster proof.  The democrats have a filibuster-proof majority. Remember that the next time someone refers to a democrat as a "centrist," "moderate" or a "conservative-democrat."

The fact that she's filibuster-proof doesn't mean that every real conservative should ignore their responsibilities.  Vote "no."