Monday, June 15, 2009

Responsibility Lies with the Voters

Instapundit links to an article by Jennifer Rubin (Commentary Magazine, That Was Then, June 14, 2009):
Those who bought his story in 2008 were had. And those who vouched for him should be embarrassed.

No.  Those who voted for him should be embarrassed. And, I would add, ashamed.

Obama as a liar and swindler were obvious. All the warning signs were there.  All the history was there in his voting record in the Congress, his actions as a "community organizer," the fact he never published an article while heading the Harvard Law Review, his associates (and I don't just mean Ayers and Wright), and most of all his book.

In his book he spelled it all out and anyone who read it knew exactly what he planned to do.  Just as Hitler spelled out his plans in Mein Kampf, it was necessary only to read it if you wanted to know his mind.  But few did, just as few took the time to understand Obama, the man they were voting for.

They were duped if they thought he was anything other than a fascist. Obama was a first class con man, but people allowed themselves to be duped, despite all the Chicken Little warnings from those on the Right, who did see through his facade and chicanery. People saw what they wanted to see.  The people who voted for Obama are responsible for his presidency and all that he will do to try to destroy this nation and put us and our allies in danger and debt for decades to come.

People who didn't vote, who stayed home in protest against this or that grievance with McCain, are just as responsible.  You don't allow the Presidency of the United States to be handed to a man like Obama.  You just don't.  The dangers and the risks are just too great.

The people got what they voted for or what they allowed by their inaction. There is nothing to be done now except wait and restore the Office of the President to capable hands in 2012... It won't be possible to undo all the damage that Obama will do, as the money will be spent, business and fortunes lost, and our enemies will be emboldened and will have regrouped, but if we are capable of maintaining focus, of ignoring the Left media's complaints, perhaps we will not be completely destroyed.

The people who do not regret their vote are just as wrong-headed as Obama and have identified themselves as either useful idiots or fascists. There is no middle ground.

President Bush outlined the terms, but few had the guts and the convictions to do the right thing:  "We will not waiver.  We will not falter."