Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Hospital Canard

A commenter, BobN, responded to a Bradlaugh post (SecularRight, SR Case Against Gay Marriage (cont.), April 30, 2009):
Same with the I-just-don’-t-get-the-hospital-argument position. What thinking person who has considered the pros and cons of SSM hasn’t been provided with examples of gay people being barred from seeing a dying partner? Do folks just choose to not remember the examples? If you don’t get it after one or two or thirteen or twenty-six examples, you’re either experiencing willful ignorance or you’re as dumb as a post.

If this happens again and again as BobN asserts, and gay couples don't get Durable Powers of Attorney and a Hospital Visitation Authorization, then who in this mob is truly dumb as a post?

You don't need marriage to solve that problem.  You need a mediocre attorney with boilerplate contracts, for $29.95.  If gay activists were serious about solving this problem, they'd have a website with attorneys, helping gay couples get the contracts for free.  The problem is not solved so that it can remain a casus belli for gay marriage.

Marriage is a right in the same way that driving or fishing is, meaning it isn't.  They each require a license and who may be granted one and who may be denied is a right maintained by the citizens.  This is a rights issue, but not in the direction gay activists have used it. Civil marriage is a privilege, not a right, which is why you need a license.