Thursday, May 21, 2009

Stand Down, For Now

From Jillian Bandes ( Obama May Grab for Guns, May 20, 2009):
Yesterday’s passage of legislation that revoked the longstanding ban on guns in national parks proved that this treaty would probably fall by the wayside once more, said Larry Pratt, President of Gun Owners of America. But the fact that Obama voiced his support for it speaks volumes about the President’s view of the Second Amendment, after his famous claim to not “take away guns” from law-abiding Americans.

We already knew how Obama felt about guns. His "clinging to guns and bibles" remark was consistent with his often "present," but sometimes "no" votes on gun rights issues.

Obama can sign a million treaties, but unless Congress ratifies them, it makes no difference at all. The Executive's only power in this arena (which can be trumped by Congress) is Executive Order, but he can't use Executive Order to ratify treaties.

There is plenty to be nervous about with Obama, but until Congress considers legislation that curb gun rights, I will remain unconvinced that there is an imminent threat to gun rights. Gun rights advocates have done a stellar job of letting Congress know that their votes on gun issues decide elections.

Vigilance is always a good thing, but it shouldn't give way to paranoia.