Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On Deaf Ears

If Iran causes bombs to fall on Kurdish villages in Iraq and the press doesn't make a big noise of it, does it make a sound? 

From Noah Shachtman (Wired, Iran Launches Airstrikes on Iraqi Villages, May 4, 2009):
Iranian aircraft attacked three villages inside Iraq over the weekend. The airstrikes — Iran’s first on Iraqi soil since the U.S. invasion — could complicate the Obama administration’s efforts to normalize relations with Tehran.

Ya think?

Iran has been identified as entering Iraqi airspace and bombing Kurdish villages...

The U.S. response has been?


The MSM response has been?  


Given the Democrats' history with this sort of thing, I suspect their reaction will be something along the lines of a rocket up a Camel's butt.  Will this create a call to bomb Iran?  Not from the Left it won't, so Iran will keep doing it, just as they keep enriching uranium for their nuclear weapons power program.

The frustration of Clinton years is becoming all too clear again. We've returned to the Twilight Zone pre-9/11 way of thinking about the dangers in the world.

H/t Belmont Club.